Milou, the Cat Who Enjoyed Life to the Fullest

A year ago today, on October 20, 2016, came the time to let Milou go. He crossed the rainbow bridge less than two weeks after Texas.

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou was what we would call a bigger-than-life figure. I had not known him since he was a kitten — my husband had been owned by him for a while when we met, well, both in Paris. He was the last of our three cats that immigrated with us from France.

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

To my husband’s recollection and mine, Milou had always had health issues, but he sure loved life — and food — and was lucky to have found my husband who always took good care of him. On top of his health issue, there was the leprechaun accident in Ireland: One night, we still don’t know exactly why — although we suppose to chase a leprechaun — and how, Milou managed to jumped out a window of our 3rd or 4th floor apartment in Ireland… and he fell on the floor at the bottom of the building. He hurt one of the ligaments in one of his rear legs, but was extremely lucky: this was Ireland, and the grass was water-soaked. Additionally, had he fallen just two feet or so away from the grass, he would have hit concrete and probably would have never survived. I remember telling him affectionately how he had to hold on to life because one day we would be moving to America with him.

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

And holding to life he would. In fact, ironically, part of what saved him was that he loved food so much ;)

Milou loved to eat and he loved to play. Until only a year or so before his death, he always seemed like a kitten in spirit, playing every time he could. With strings, balls, our shoes, whatever! He also luuuuved catnip.

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Earlier in life, Grouik had taken care of him when my husband adopted him as a kitten and they were inseparable. Well, Grouik was much more independent and sometimes there would be fights, but never for long.

Milou and Grouik | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou and Grouik | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou and Grouik | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Life with Texas wasn’t always easy — Texas liked to tease Milou but Milou hissed a lot at Texas. When Kitshka arrived, it took him months before he stopped hissing but they finally became friends and played together often.

For some reason I’m thinking about this only now as I write these words, but a picture of Milou in the fields of bluebonnets would have represented him well, I think: curious for adventure and life, playing with the wind and chasing butterflies, always like a kitten. Milou was also a gorgeous kitty.

It was hard losing both kitties so close to each other. In many ways, it was, at least for me, as if some part of my past was dying too — Texas and Milou somehow linked my husband and I to France and to each other, too.

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

I bet Milou has found, along with Texas and Grouik, gorgeous fields of catnip at the rainbow bridge, and they are probably trading French meows classes for some more. We miss you all three so very much.

Grouik, Texas, and Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Milou Has Joined Grouik and Texas Across the Rainbow Bridge

Dear Friends,

First, thank you SO MUCH for your support.

It’s with a heavy heart that I now have to announce that Milou has crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday, October 20, just 11 days after Texas.

Milou had seen his health considerably worsen the past few months: he had lost a lot – a LOT – of weight, had newly discovered thyroid problems, and was diagnosed with kidney disease. His condition took a turn for the worse on that sad Thursday evening, as he could barely breathe, and we had to take the decision to stop the pain.

Milou was my husband’s kitty of 17 years. I had know him myself as long as I have known my husband. He loved to eat – and you could see that by just looking at him! He loved to play, and he loved to cuddle with his human. He loved to hiss at Texas too, although he had stopped doing this for a while, when his health started to show weakening signs. Milou was the last of our three French cats – Grouik, Texas, and Milou – that we had taken with us when we moved to America. He is of course very much missed.

Texas and the Gang | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Texas, Kitshka, and Milou – September 27, 2016

Milou | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

 | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

I wanted to take the time to answer each and everyone of you to thank you for your nice words and support, but getting back on the blog only reminded me that Texas wasn’t here anymore. I will get in touch soon though.

As for Kitshka, she is healthy but really seems lost. She’s staying next to us humans more than she used to, obviously asking for TLC. She was always closer to Texas, I think, than she was to us, but things are changing. She still appears to always be looking for something… probably Texas.

I am not sure what I want to do with the blog in the long term yet – or if Kitshka shows any appetency for blogging – but I’ll definitely pay tribute to Texas and Milou soon.

I wonder if Texas, Milou, and Grouik are giving French lessons to the other kitties across the Rainbow Bridge now…

Thank you all again for your support. It means a lot.

Carine, Texas’ human

The Saddest of Updates: Texas Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

The Saddest of Updates: Texas Has Crossed the Rainbow Bridge

Dear Friends,

This is Carine, Texas’ human. I am saddened to update his blog to let you know that my beloved kitty Texas has crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday afternoon.

He was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and probable congestive heart failure just two weeks ago. We knew from that time that his days were numbered, I just hoped we would have a little bit more time. He was only 10 and a half.

I am grateful that I have spent ten years of my life with him, and that he agreed to spend his life with me. Texas and I had a special bond together that will never be broken. He brought me so much joy and happiness, he was a very good friend. He was also the smartest cat I have ever met. I am also grateful that I was there with him when his time came, although I was unable to help him.

Below are a few of the last pictures I took with him. Yes, he looked very healthy, and he was besides his heart problem, which makes the whole situation even harder to accept.

I’ll try and write some more by the end of the week, hopefully, probably next weekend. Milou also has his own health problems and has lost a lot of weight lately, but he’s holding on to life. Kitshka is doing well, although she’s left without her big brofur/role model/mentor/partner in crime/bff.

Texas took with him a bit of my heart that was legitimately his to take. I miss him. I miss him so much.


Texas and the Gang | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Texas, Kitshka, and Milou – September 27, 2016

Texas' Pawsomeness | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

“Wait human! Is that the can opener I just heard?” – October 1, 2016

Texas, the Boss | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

Texas stealing my chair when I was working from home – October 3, 2016

A Tribute to Furriends and Two Kittens Looking for Their Furrever Home

Although we had planned to slowly go back to regular posting and I had something cool to show your from my place of birth, Paris in France, I want to dedicate this post to another subject.

As you probably all know by now, yesterday was a(nother) sad day: we learnt that our dear furriend Dash had been forced to the Rainbow Bridge. My human and I were shocked by the news of course, and by the circumstances that caused this. We had not known Dash for such a long time – about a year. Dash was a Twitter legend and of course, we had met him on Twitter, during a pawty held by Sparkle.

We had exchanges with him and his human and could feel how much they were dedicated to helping kitties together and they radiated kindness.

We want to pay a simple tribute to all the furriends that we lost recently. We are very sad to see you go, but we will always remember you and keep you in our hearts.

Below are graphics made by Miss Ann of Zoolatry, or the humans of the kitties gone to the Bridge. I hope it is okay that I have borrowed them. They are pictures of furriends I knew and followed (You can click on the pictures to visit their blogs). I know that other furry friends have gone to the Bridge too, and this tribute is for them too.





Mr Jazz

Mr Jazz

Dash Kitten

Dash Kitten


I find it appropriate to also use this post to share a special message regarding two kittens who are looking for their furrever home: Ray Charles and Rachel. If you haven’t heard of them, please share this info so that anyone who can be interested in adopting them could know about them.

They are currently being fostered by Selina‘s humans. You can also find more information by clicking on the image below: it will take you to their blog, set up by Brian’s human.

Ray Charles and Rachel

Ray Charles and Rachel

Thank you for your help!

To all a good weekend. Take care and hug your furry friends and/or humans!

Au Revoir, Eric

My human and I were very saddened to learn that Eric, from Eric and Flynn – Two Devon Cats, has left for the Rainbow Bridge.

Design by Ann, of Zoolatry

Design by Ann, of Zoolatry

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

We know you are flying high and free now. You are a star among the stars.

Purrs and Hugs for Flynn and his humans.

Goodbye to furriends, my nip vocation and awards

Hiya furriends,

Although we have a good home and not too bad humans – we can’t really complain, can we? -, the past few weeks have been very sad at times. Many furriends crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. I cannot list them all sadly but among our fellow bloggers were Fangie at Catself, Kelly at the Creative Cat, Fluffy at Hey… It’s Jet Here, Bingo at Hutch A Good Life, Zac at Zac the All Black.

I’m sure they are all playing together over the rainbow bridge now, free of pain. I am pausing for a minute and will leave a treat behind tonight in their memory.

I was so sad I tried to find a place to remember them quietly and reflect about life.

I found the closet where the humans store our food. But my human found me.

That’s too bad because there were plenty of good food in there. But nothing to help me in my pain or vocation.

No nip.

Now regarding nip… again my furriends, we don’t know the exact effect on humans so don’t try this on your humans. I would like to insist that I do not promise you nip (although if any of the cat-idates to rule the world for a cause would make me Minister of Nip, I could rethink that last statement), only enlightenment for those who believe.

Finally, I was nominated for two more awards that I didn’t have yet. So I would like to thank The Sugarlump for nominating me for the Addictive Blog Award and It’s a Pussy Cat’s Life for the Super Sweet Blogger Award.

Thank you so furry much! I really appreciate and send you purrs!

Here are the Addictive Blog Award Rules:

1. Thank the person awarding you — Done
2. Share a little about why you blog and how the journey started — See below
3. Paste the blog award on your page — Done
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers you feel deserve the award and let them know you nominated them — See below

Why I blog
I think my little life is very interesting. No seriously. My human was too busy lazy in France to start my blog, so I only had my Facebook Page, but now that my brothers and I had traveled so far, I needed a blog to tell my story.
Plus now I want to share with you the heavenly enlightenment of the nip I received.
Most importantly, it is a way to meet new furriends =^.^=

Here are my ten nominees:
=^.^= Sammy
=^.^= My furriends Hemingway and Shakespeare at Two Cats’ View
=^.^= My furriends Nellie and Kozmo
=^.^= Mollie and Alfie
=^.^= Easy
=^.^= Bowie
=^.^= Archie, Oscar and Henry
=^.^= It’s a Pussy Cat’s Life
=^.^= Angel’s Whisper
=^.^= My furriends at Manx Mnews

Now the rules for the Super Sweet Blogger Award are:

1. The nominee has to thank the person that nominated them — Done
2. Answer the 5 Super Sweet Questions — See below
3. Nominate a bakers dozen of other Super Sweet Bloggers and let them know — A dozen?! See below

Me thinks this award is better suited (vocab building project VBP) for humans (especially the sweet food part), but here we go.
1. Cookies or Cake?
Tuna cake!
2. Chocolate of Vanilla?
Er, nip?
3. What is your favourite sweet treat?
Er, the new Greenies, salmon flavor.
4. When do you crave sweet things the most?
All the time, why?
5. If you had a sweet nickname what would it be?
I know my human would call me cupcake. Hmph.

Now for my nominees:
=^.^= Terri’s Kitchen
=^.^= Hey… It’s Jet Here
=^.^= Janina
=^.^= Sammy
=^.^= Savannah
=^.^= These Days of Mine
=^.^= The Sugarlump
=^.^= A German Expat’s Life in Texas
=^.^= Brown Pony Tail
=^.^= My new furriend Mr. Jeeves
=^.^= Imagination is Spicy
=^.^= Easy

Now TGIF, I need a nap.

Enjoy your Friday everyone!

One month without Grouik

It’s been exactly a month today that our beloved Grouik has left us. Not a day has passed without the humans thinking about him. We all miss him so very much.

Thankfully, we have our memories and the humans have plenty of video footage so we can watch him over and over again.

The pages (“A little bit about myself” and “My half-brothers“) on the menu on top of my blog have been updated and we have added a special page for Grouik. You can access it from the menu on top of the blog, or the first badge of him on the sidebar. You can also go to this page by clicking on the badge below.

There are many pictures of him, some words from his human, pictures of his last resting place, his little paradise that his human made for him, and a video. There will probably be one or two more videos posted later but we will let you know about that.

This is our modest tribute to our Grouik.