Dear Sparkle – Cat-to-Cat Advice from the world’s foremost feline columnist: A review

A little less than a month ago, I pawticipated in my first ever Twitter pawty. It was organized by Baby Patches of Nip and Bones and the beautiful Sparkle. It was a virtual book signing pawty for Sparkle’s book!

I was very excited and liked every minute of it. The beautiful Sparkle answered questions and pawtographed books like a pro. Of course, being a kitty, she is a pro!

The pawty ended with the olive on the tuna cake when I was first to answer the question asked to win a pawtographed copy! Look at the beauty on the right! (click for a bigger version)

“Dear Sparkle: Cat-to-Cat Advice from the World’s Foremost Feline Columnist” is a must-have for any feline, my furriends, and for many reasons.

The book is full of colored pictures of the beautiful Sparkle, and this only is a reason to own it. But the book is so much more.

Sparkle has collected letters from kitties from around the world that sent her their questions about kitty issues that you and I may well have encountered: from toys and games to dealing with strange human habits to litter box issues. Sparkle answers with wits, humor and charm (is there anything more charming than a Ladycat with repartie?).

I liked that the book was divided into sections related to different kinds of issues. I also absolutely loved the little “Sparkle Says” tidbits of wisdom here and there.

The book reads well and you can either read it from cover to cover, or pick and choose a letter and Sparkle’s answer. Even if you don’t have the issue mentioned in the letter, there is always something to learn from the expert. What better expert can you ask for as a kitty than a kitty? This book has been written by a kitty and you can clearly see it.

Open-minded humans will read this book and take it as a way to better understand their master kitty friend.

Conclusion: we give it four paws!

I mentioned above that I answered a question to win the book. It was about her next book, and it is going to be about cat rules for humans. I am eagerly waiting for this book and Kitshka and I have started applying rule #882, as you can see below (we were on the human’s hubby’s chair).

THANK YOU Sparkle, for this great book!
Furriends, Christmas is coming, this could be added to your list to Santa Paws ;-)

Today is a very important day

Today is a very important day. Today is Cat World Domination Day (and my human is not even here!).

But most important of all, it is my furriend Sparkle’s birthday! Do please, go wish a Happy Birthday to Sparkle!

Here’s to you, Dear Sparkle, fresh catnip flowers for you =^.^= Happy Birthday!