Those who are furriend with me on Facebook (it is still time to add me!) may have seen that my human attended an event at Strand Books in the place called Manhattan, last Tuesday: a talk between Jackson Galaxy and Gwen Cooper.
[For those wondering, the kitty on the left is NOT Gwen Cooper. I don’t know who the kitty is.]
So I wish I could have been there of course! But having my human go was the next best thing! She had Jackson Galaxy’s book signed to me and she took some pics and notes.
There was a large audience and not enough chairs for everyone. Also it was really hot this day. It was the day before we started having a lot of rain and cold temperatures again.
When Jackson Galaxy and Gwen Cooper arrived, they were welcomed with a big warm wave of applause!
They, of course, talked cats! Gwen Cooper was playing the interviewer and Jackson Galaxy was answering. What did they talked about?
- How Jackson Galaxy came to be working with cats:
He said that he loved all animals and when he started working in shelters, it wasn’t about dedicating himself to cats specifically, but cats were all over him (hey, they knew! ;-), so that’s how it all started. - On the mystery of cats:
He totally believes in cats having and keeping a part of mystery. - On shelters:
Things are changing a bit and there are less killings, but he also talked about some kind of “entrenchment” in some shelters. For example, he said that when he was suggesting some changes in some shelters, they would not consider thinking about it, because that’s just not the way they’ve been used to functioning. - On cat daddies:
Here too, things are changing. The image of having a cat being unmanly is slowly starting to change. When Jackson Galaxy asked how many were in the audience, about 20 men raised their hands. He mentioned this kind of meeting used to be 90% women. - On cats “exterminating” birds:
He said the numbers given by those accusing cats of mass-murdering birds were just not realistic, cats cannot kill so many (billions) of birds!
Those are some of the points that were discussed. The audience could also ask questions, but general ones, no personal questions on everyone’s kitty. The entire discussion lasted about an hour.
My human said both Jackson Galaxy and Gwen Cooper seemed very nice as humans (apparently it is important to her too – if she says so!).
Here are some pictures of the both of them. At the end of the post are links to their books!