[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]
Dear Furriends,
Today, we have a special announcement regarding the VBP Blog Hop.
On January 17 of this year, Jet, Savannah, and I started a blog hop called VBP – Vocab Building Project (Check above link for more information).
We had lots of fun using new words, and I loved looking for French/English idioms (VBP) that were similar or not and which included the word cat. Unfortunately, life being life, we cannot get the energy needed to continue it right now. So we have decided to stop it, at least momentarily.
I would like to thank all the furriends who collaborated in this project:
Jet and his human, for coming up with the original idea for the blog hop! We’re sending you lots of purrs and hugs!
Savannah and her human, for their perseverance (VBP) and patience, and for posting when we couldn’t. We send you hugs and purrs too!
Miss Ann from Zoolatry for creating all the graphics that you see on this post, as well as the badges. Again, hugs and purrs!
Last but not least, thank you to all the furriends who pawticipated! We hope you had fun in the process. We certainly loved reading your posts! Lots of purrs!
A special shout-out to The Tabbies O Trout Towne for participating to all but 2 of the total of 11 hops! Thank you! Lots of purrs! And salmon!
So, for now, we are closing the VBP dictionary and stopping the hop. But one day maybe…
P.S.: If you had planned a VBP post and plan to post it, please post the link in the comment and I will post a link in a post next week. Thank you furry much for your understanding!