50 thoughts on “A Year Without Grouik

  1. Oh I know you do………..so do we…….he was a gorgeous cat and we’re sending purrs and hugs to those he left behind…..

    Sammy and Pam

  2. That is a fantastic video! It was really nice to be able to see Grouik as he was; a wonderful loving cat. Hope you’re not feeling too sad, thinking of you all.

  3. We are sending your Mama lots of love and a big hug today. We know how much you can miss a fur baby ! But Grouik clearly had a wonderful life and was very much loved! We hope you remember that and take comfort in knowing that.

    the critters in the cottage xo
    LP recently posted…If A Tree Falls. . .My Profile

  4. C’est un arrachement de les perdre et le vide de l’absence est énorme.
    Il faut savourer chaque instant prés d’eux .
    Grouik était magnifique et reste pour l’éternité dans le cœur de ceux qui l’ont aimé. Douces pensées pour lui et vous.

  5. He was a beautiful boy and how lovely that you’ve paid tribute to him a year after his passing. I know only too well the longing that you must feel; may your treasured memories of him bring you comfort.
    Safe Haven Hotel recently posted…THE MIDDLEMANMy Profile

  6. I miss Grouik…I was so shocked when I knew he wouldn’t come back home…..I know how your family miss him…..How is Milou? He and Grouik were so close….
    I send lots of hugs for your family and Grouik.

  7. again, I am a lousy furriend Texas and Miss Carine. You know we loved Grouik and had his badge made. But we have been so very selfish and just focused on our home and Leo and well, that’s no excuse for forgetting our bestest furriends…Mom Linda will email Miss Carine soon…we hope your road trip is easier than the one Mom Linda pulled in 1980 moving 3 Sibes from Ohio to So Calif.!! Pawful!!…paw hugs, Savvy
    Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…Monday Meowsie News…Leo Has Left the HouseMy Profile

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