Mondays Are For Memories: My First Cat Tree

Do you remember your first cat tree? I do!

It was all small (I mean for an adult cat, which I wasn’t at the time) and I loved it! It had a little cave, scratch posts and a huge circle I could use to travel around the tree.

Let me show you.

When I was teeny tiny, I could play inside the circle on top and try to catch the pompom! And yes, those were my toys at the time!

Did you have a tiny tree once?

46 thoughts on “Mondays Are For Memories: My First Cat Tree

  1. Oh what a cute picture of TEENY TEXAS!! I never had a tree – EVER – but yours looks quite nice and was perfect for you when you were a little guy. I’d say it was a big hit too because you had room for your toys, climbing, a nap – a perfect spot to have fun in/with!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    • Yes, it was my human’s when she was a kid but when I put my paw on it, I loved playing with it so much, she agreed to give it to me =^.^=

  2. We did have a tiny tree and still have a newer tiny tree. Neither of ours are as fancy as that one was. You definitely grew out of the hidey hole portion of the tree, Texas. But weren’t you a cutie pie, and you still are, only in a more manly way now. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…EASY LIKE SUNDAY: HAM-MICK HEAVENMy Profile

  3. That’s done it! You’ve got the peep all oohin’ and ahhin’ over here over the pictures of you. Gosh you were a cute kitten! And I LOVE your first tree. Looks like it was pretty much perfect for you. Great toy collection, too.

    Nerissa’s Life recently posted…of pots and kettlesMy Profile

  4. oh ce petit arbre à chat te plaisait beaucoup, C’est mignon.
    Le notre était encore plus petit, et nous l’avons encore même s’il a perdu sa boule, on s’en sert pour s’étirer, et parfois pour faire les griffes.
    ronrons, bisous
    Opale et Sonye recently posted…Attends-moiMy Profile

  5. Il était tout mignon ton arbre Texas .. comme toi.
    Moi j’ai toujours le même arbre. Il n’est pas très grand, mais solide. Un chaton abyssin c’est pire qu’une tornade. Maintenant je suis une petit peu moins folle et mon arbre ça serait mieux qu’il soit plus haut.
    Mais j’ai plein d’arbres dehors, des chênes, des Yucca, des pins, des cyprès, un plaqueminier, des cerisiers aussi.
    Plein de ronrons.
    Nat à Chat recently posted…Hisia dodo – Episode 6My Profile

  6. Nous n’avons pas d’arbre à chat, parce que nous avons un jardin et des arbres dans le jardin.
    Nous vous disons merci pour le commentaire laissé sur notre blog suite au départ de notre ami Gavin.
    Gros ronrons

  7. Texas, the Twins (Scouty and CC) here: We had a tiny tree in our nursery room when we were tots! It lives on the Catio now…it’s pretty battered but we still like to sleep in it.

    You were SUCH an adorable mankitten!

  8. Yow me haz never had a kat tree Texas….ne haz me pedestal bed n me lubz it alot….
    me never had da chance to play like most kittehz…me missed so much.
    It waz nice to read about yer ferst Kat tree n wunder at such a bunderfull thing…
    Lub Nylablue xo

  9. Hi efurryone! We are trying to get all caught up with your news! Our secretary has been slow these days! It looks as though you are all well :)

    We had and still have , a little scratching post from when we were babies. Texas, you look so adorable and spoiled rotten surrounded by your toys on your kitten tree! :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
    LP recently posted…Unconditional Love.My Profile

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