Updating The Blog And What’s To Come

Dear All,

It’s been a while since there has been any activity on this blog, a little less than a year. I missed all of this blog’s readers, as well as reading your blogs. But most of all, of course, I miss Texas, the kitty that started it all.

Texas | Texas, a Parisian Cat in America

I meant to post a tribute, but after he left, it was like all hell broke loose. I often said he was my guardian angel, and suddenly, it was very clear that my guardian angel was gone. I am alright, and I will be alright. But I still miss my best furry friend so much.

Monday will mark one year since he has crossed the rainbow bridge. One year since we rushed to the ER with him on my lap, breathing his last breath. But I won’t get into this kind of details. Instead, on Monday I will post a tribute focusing on such a fantastic kitty he was. He was quite extra ordinary, actually.

I’m so glad that I did this blog, so he can now live forever on the Internet (for once, I’m quite happy that anything posted on the Internet is archived somewhere). It might also have encouraged me to take more pictures and videos than I would have normally. Oh I take pics all the time. But thanks to the blog I have even more of them.

I have wondered what to do with the blog. Of course I have other kitties. While Milou is gone, too, Kitshka is doing well, and I have adopted a new ginger cat (because ginger cats rock). But Texas was my Forever Cat and this was his blog. Yet I decided to resume blogging, and hand over the blog to Mademoiselle Kitshka. She is ready. She wants to carry on Texas’ mission of understanding humans. (Quite a program, she meows.)

Kitshka | Texas, A Parisian Cat in America

Whiskey, the new member of our family, will start by observing… up close.

Whiskey | Texas, A Parisian Cat in America

Thank you all so much for your support after Texas and Milou passed away. I did mean to answer each and everyone of you, but life decided it had to keep me busy in a less pleasant way. Those who follow my other blog might have seen that I tried to start blogging again earlier, but never as consistently as I would have wished. I’ll try again. Plus I have two kitties here that deserve their picture on the Internet. For now, the blog will keep Texas’ name… and might always do. We’ll see.

Please join us in this new adventure if you’d like. I also have plenty of pics of Texas that Kitshka and I will want to share.

Thank you for your patience, understanding, and care for Texas.

Carine – Texas’ human.

60 thoughts on “Updating The Blog And What’s To Come

  1. We are delighted to hear you’ll be posting again. We, especially Lisbeth, absolutely loved Texas, and we think he’d be happy to know you will be carrying on We also look forward to getting to know Whiskey. God luck going forward. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy
    Kitties Blue recently posted…KITTIES BLUE HAVE QUESTIONSMy Profile

  2. Hello Kitshka, and welcome Whiskey!

    We all miss Texas. Jazz Cat Jay is starting to show his age and so he sleeps for the most part. I am starting to think I better start preparing myself for the inevitable. We’ve been together for 15 years so I hear you. I feel Jay is my guardian angel too.

    Looking forward to hearing from Kitshka.

    • Thank you so much, Claudia! Isn’t it difficult to know that we are going to survive them? We do have to cherish every moment. Hugs!

    • Linda and Savannah, So sorry I didn’t email you at the time. I really wanted to, but life decided otherwise. I missed you and hoe to be visiting soon and regularly. Hugs!

  3. We we sad to hear of the passing of Texas and Milou last year,to many in past year have crossed the rainbowbridge.Kitshka is looking lovely as ever ,and Whiskey he is just adorable and we look forward to seeing them both on future adventures.
    Speedy has just celebrated his 6th birthday and is still pretty active but this last year I can see he is starting to slow down,he is not so speedy any more.He could live up to ten years or more if we are lucky but every year we have with him is now a bonus that we will cherish all the more,best wishes to you all,xx Rachel Speedy’s mum

    • That’s one of the difficult sides of being part of the pet blogosphere, I think, seeing friends cross the rainbow bridge. Thank you so much for your support. I wish Speedy many years ahead still. Hugs!

  4. I’m glad to see you blogging again. Sending good thoughts. I look forward to reading more about Kitshka and Whiskey.

  5. I’m so happy to see you back again!
    I can really understand your feelings. I still miss Buster [my best (furry) friend], who left us in 2011.
    Take care,

  6. It’s great to hear from you, Carine. And we’re glad to hear that Kitshka is going to continue on what Texas started. We look forward to what she has to say…we’re sure it’s a lot! And we can’t wait to get to know Whiskey better.

    Sending you a ton of purrs….
    The Island Cats recently posted…Messy Boy CatsMy Profile

  7. Bon retour Carine,
    Je suis tellement contente de ce retour. Mais ça ne doit pas être très simple. Perdre un morceau de son âme c’est tellement difficile.
    Ce blog porte le nom de Texas et c’est bien comme ça. C’est sa maison et le restera. Mais la vie continue.
    Kitshka sera une excellente rédactrice en chef pour ce blog.
    Bienvenu à Whiskey.
    Bon week end.
    Natacha, Hisia et Loustiquette
    Nat à Chat recently posted…Petite vie tranquilleMy Profile

  8. C’est avec tristesse que j’apprends le décès de Texas . C’est un véritable arrachement que de devoir les perdre .
    Kitshka sera sûrement une belle nouvelle rédactrice en chef . Ecris nous souvent petite beauté!

  9. I am glad you are returning to blogging. It is very hard to do when you lose a very much loved cat. I only blog once a week or less now. I do my Memories posts to keep in touch with the many friends I have made over the years through Eric and Flynn, and of course to keep their memories alive.

    What should be the fate of a cat’s blog when that cat has died?
    Frimousse died on April 10th and RouXy, his friend, our neighbours’ cat, had died on February 1st.
    The difference with Texas’s blog is the fact that we have no other car in the house, and we have no intention of having another cat – I am too old.
    Therefore I publish photos and texts about Frimousse on Frimousse Blog.
    (http://frimousseblog.fr/en). I’ve created a blog for RouXy, to publish texts and photos about him.(http://www.rouxy.frimousseblog.fr/?lang=en )
    What will happen when I have no more pictures or texts about Frimousse and RouXy to publish? We’ll see. But I won’t delete the blogs.
    I’m glad Texas Blog is going on. I visit the blog every time I receive a message informing me there’s a new post.

    Que doit devenir le blog d’un chat lorsque ce chat est mort ? Frimousse est mort le 10 avril et RouXy, son grand ami, le chat de nos voisins, est mort le 1er février.
    La différence avec le blog de Texas c’est que nous n’avions pas d’autres chats. Plus de chats chez nous et nous ne voulons pas en prendre un autre. Je suis trop vieux. Je publie donc des photos et des textes à propos de Frimousse dans le Blog de Frimousse. (http://frimousseblog.fr/ ). J’ai créé un blog pour RouXy .(http://www.rouxy.frimousseblog.fr/?lang=fr ) pour y publier des textes et des images sur lui.
    Et quand je n’aurai plus rien à publier sur eux ? On verra. Mais je n’effacerai pas les blogs.
    Je suis content que le blog de Texas continue. Je le visiterai chaque fois qu’un message m’annoncera un nouvel article.

    • Merci beaucoup pour cet emouvant message. Je suis desolee d’apprendre le depart de Frimousse et RouXy. Je suis heureuse de savoir neanmoins que je peux continuer a venir visiter le blog de Frimousse pour voir leurs photos. Nous les faisons vivre un peu plus longtemps grace a la magie d’internet. Sinceres amities.

  11. WE look forward to your new adventures, and understand how devastating it is to lose the cat whose soul bonded so beautifully with your own. I fully get it. I am still counting the days since my Abby left me (1957) and I always will. I hope that your troubles have lifted and that things are on a better pathway for you. Purrs.

  12. We are so much later than everyone else with our warm welcome. You KNOW how much a lot of us miss Texas. What a boy he was, and he leaves big paw prints for the others to fill…….. but fill them the others will, albeit in a different way.

    We look forward to the cats’ posts and the adventures ahead!

  13. I totally understand what you’ve gone through as I lost Sammy December 2nd last year…just before Christmas which he so dearly loved. I wasn’t sure what to do about his blog either – “one spoiled cat” was no longer with me. I went ahead and continued it though and eventually we adopted another ginger (yes they DO rock!) named Teddy so the blog is now his although Angel Sammy makes an appearance now and again! I’m glad you’re back – blog when you want to – and I think it’s wonderful Kitschka will be keeping us posted on her AND Whiskey’s lives! Hearts break but lives go on……and time softens the edges of our grief. SO HAPPY TO HEAR FROM YOU!

    Hugs, Pam
    Pam, Teddy and Angel Sammy recently posted…Monday Sparks!My Profile

    • I am so sorry to read that Sammy has also crossed the rainbow bridge, Pam. It is so hard when the moment comes. I’m sure all our kitties are having fun together now.

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