The day they killed the boxes

Deceit! (VBP)

The humans have flattened our boxes! They say it doesn’t look good in their living room. Oh the humanity!

Fortunately, until the garbage humans come pick them up, there is still a chance that I can save them!

Yep, these are OUR boxes!

Yep, these are OUR boxes!

If I can only manage to take them out of behind the couch...

If I can only manage to take them out of behind the couch…

The humans attached them together. They killed the boxes!

The humans attached them together. They killed the boxes!

Well, adieu, my castle!


Today is the last day to vote for me!

65 thoughts on “The day they killed the boxes

  1. Oh Texas I know how painful it is to lose a favorite box……when mine get battered and worn my Mom seems to think it’s time to get rid of it – I think it’s just getting COMFY. I bet you’ll get a new batch of boxes before you know it……maybe your humans just want a break from the box???

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  2. Humans just don’t get it, do they? I’ll tell you a secret, though: chances are good that there will always be new boxes. Humans can’t help themselves. They like stuff – and it comes in boxes!

  3. Here, we haven’t (yet) flattened the boxes so that Sister Fidelma & Co. can still play with them. Need to post some pictures soon.
    Take care, and have a good one,

  4. Our Mama is always flattening boxes and putting them out to be recycled and Daddyman keeps bringing more home! Heehee. They can’t agree on the boxes but we still always seem manage to have a few scattered around to make their home look koo-koo!! Heehee. :)

    the critters in the cottage xo
    P.S. We will vote for you!

  5. Oh Honey! This is so horrible! I can’t believe they did that to you. How COULD they?

    That is just sooooo wrong. xoxox

  6. Poor boxes! They didn’t have a chance — not with a staple gun. Do your parents have a licence for that thing?

    You gave it a valiant effort, Texas, but it was just too late. You’ll just have to get online and buy something that comes in a really big box so it’ll be delivered to your door.

    Thanks for coming by with birthday wishes for Dante, too!

  7. oh, Texas, so sorry to hear that. I don’t understand why humans have to kill our castles and forts. I am always sad to see my forts go too

  8. Texas, your castle…how could they :( Maybe I can brighten up your day ever after. I nominated you for The Shine On Award, hope you’ll accept it… Oh, and you’re also one of my Appreciated Readers.. I don’t know anything else to do, If you’re not happy now :)

  9. Pingback: VBP & Thankful Thursday: New Boxes! « Texas, a cat in New York

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