My Dear Furriends,
I am so terribly sorry that it has been almost 6 months now since I have posted anything here. We are all doing fine (as you can see below – can you spot Kitshka?), and I hope all of you reading this are.
I know we have lost Furriends the past six months and I was terribly sad to learn the news. Yes because, from time to time, my human would go online with me, so we saw and we cried.
In other news, my human has proved to be clearly not able to handle a kitty of my stature. She is obsessed with her work – and happy about it! – and has little time for my bloggie.
Granted, she still took good care of us and played and gave treats and let me sit on the books she was reading (most of the time anyway). That’s until the end of August, when she abandoned us.
The human: Er, Texas, I did not abandon you. You three are in good hands with Milou’s human. I’m in the DC area for a temporary job. I will be back.
Yeah whatever. The male human refuses to type my blog posts. Now we have to Skype for me to meow my blog posts to you!
The human: That’s better than nothing at all, isn’t it?
The nerve. Yeah, but I don’t like Skype. How can you get into that box? It scares me a little.
Plus I bet you’re gonna miss me like crazy…
The human: I am missing you like crazy.
…and then you’re gonna do some stupid thing like, like… going to a shelter and adopt another cat!
The human: Hmmm, okay. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I can’t because I live in a house where there’s a little dog.
What? You live with a doggie?! No offense my doggie Furriends, but I feel offended. You left me for a doggie?!
The human: No! I…
That’s enough! I think I should get my old job I had in France, when I was a humanologist. I have to think about that. When can we visit my Furriends?
The human: Well, we’ll try to do it has much as possible but it won’t be possible everyday like before.
Hmpf. Okay. I don’t have a choice anyway. Alright, let’s prepare a couple of blog posts then. Although I bet everyone forgot about me and my bloggie in six months. All because of you!
Hi Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s so good to hear from you again. :) :) Glad you’re still doing fine and dandy. Basically, that is, as you’re missing your human mom. I cab certainly understand that. And also that Skype is a very poor substitute for real contact. Hope your human mom will be back soon.
Have a great weekend, and hoping to read more of you soon,
Pit & his furry friends [minus Sally –
Pit recently posted…Austin Weekend [2]
Thank you so much!
Yes, I don’t understand that Skype thing. I was trying to headbutt my human through it but it doesn’t work!
Hope you are doing fine too!
Squeeeeee!!! Texas…*throws paw kisses*. And Kitshka and Milou! So happy you are doing ok and all of you are well. Ummm.. Texas my buddy you don’t seem to need to fret over whether or not the male human feeds you…you are looking well fed so far. MOL
Savannah’s Paw Tracks recently posted…What Do You Do With Your Humans on Caturday?
Hiya Savvy! So glad to see you!
Pfft. Well, I compensate with food when my human is away, so that’s her fault.
Glad to hear you are alright. My human is super busy, and blogging takes a lot of time, but I force her to stick with it. Hope to hear from you now and then.
Emma recently posted…Celebrate National Walk Your Dog Week With Us #DogWalkingWeek
Hiya Emma! Thanks for stopping by!
I know, but it’s hard to have a paw on my human when she is away…
I have been thinking about you guys!!
Awww… thank you for thinking of us! Lots of purrs!
Glad you’re back, my dear Texas! We all missed you (and Milou & Kitshka) a lot. Mr. Bowie says “Meow!” Looking forward to here more about you…
Herman recently posted…Remote Control
Hiya! Thanks so much! I meow back to Mr. Bowie! Purrs
Mais non, Texas, on ne t’oublie pas, et on est même rudement contentes, la Maman et toi, d’avoir de tes nouvelles ! Sur mon blog aussi, il y a du relâchement, pas facile de convaincre nos mômans de laisser tomber leur sacro-saint travail !
Ronrons à vous tous et à bientôt, on espère !
Salut Dayak ! Comment ca va toi ?
Merci de passer faire un tour. C’est vrai, ces humains, ils sont terribles avec leur travail !
Ronrons !
How can I forget you? It’s great to hear from you… like a little miracle :o) your human left you for a doggie? Texas, that’s the end of the world as we know it :o)
easy rider recently posted…easyblog SURPRISE SATURDAY
Hiya Easy! I know! I mean again, no offense, but how can she?!
Sending y’all purrs!
Hi Texas! We’re so glad you are both all right! Happy Belated Birthday. We have missed you and your bloggie, but our mom understands about posting. Pfft, humans! As if they had something better to do!
Hiya! Thanks for stopping by!
I know! Humans are very strange!
We were just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were all doing. The doggie news is disturbing but we’re sure there must be some explanation that can be stomached by you and Kitshka… We do hope the human logic stands up… Keep well and drop us all a line when you can xxx
Animalcouriers recently posted…Excited arrivals in Spain and Portugal
Hiya! That’s so nice of you to think of us!
I hope you have been doing fine!
I will definitely have to get some explanation from my human about this little dog.
Bienvenue mes amies! We missed you!
Merci ! We missed you too!
So glad to see you again and to hear that you are allright. We are always worried when there’s no sign of life of good pals and we were thinking of you a lot, especially today, and here you are again. Lots of Pawkisses :) <3
Little Binky and Granny recently posted…Shopping around the world – 5
Hiya! So nice to hear from you too! I hope you are doing fine!
We could never forget you, Texas! It’s so good to hear from you and to know that you’re doing well. We don’t like it when the head peep is away for a few days, so being away an extended time would certainly be substandard. At least you have Skype so you can be sure to register your complaints about the situation until things settle down again.
Sometimes Cats Herd You recently posted…Boys will be Boys
Thank you so much for not forgetting me!
I am complaining a lot but the customer service isn’t very good :-/
Glad you’re okay Kitshka – oh and everyone else too of course.
Kitshka says hi and waves her paw to you! =^.^=
Mais non, on ne vous a pas oublié les copains et nous sommes contents d’avoir quelques nouvelles de vous aujourd’hui !
On se demandait ce que vous deveniez …
Maintenant, on vous envoie plein de ronrons et on reviendra lire vos nouveaux articles sur ce blog.
Purr purr purr
Merci pour les ronrons ! C’est bon de se sentir soutenus par ses chamis !
Ronrons a vous aussi !
Oh Texas …
On est tellement contentes d’avoir des nouvelles et de savoir que tout va bien. Enfin presque bien.
C’est vrai que c’est pas drôle du tout ces histoires d’humains et de leur travail.
Nous, la notre, elle n’en avait pas. Là, depuis 2 semaines, elle travaille, et encore jusqu’à la fin de l’année. On est tristes Loustiquette et moi. Et puis notre blog il devient silencieux.
Mais pour toi et Kitshka c’est terrible. Elle n’habite même plus avec vous votre humaine. Et en plus elle est avec un aboyeur…. quelle horreur.
Courage. On est de tout coeur avec toi.
On t’envoie plein de ronrons.
A bientôt
Hisia – Nat à Chat recently posted…Juste pour dire qu’on est là
C’est vrai qu’il semblerait que les humains aient besoin de ce truc qu’ils appellent travail. C’est pas simple pour nous.
Je suis content de savoir que vous allez toutes bien neanmoins.
glad all is ok and that your human is thriving!
Caren Gittleman recently posted…Preserve Memories of Your Cat or Kitten With A “Purr” Baby’s Mementos Book By Elizabeth Parker–Enter to Win!
I don’t know about thriving. If my bloggie isn’t updated, I wouldn’t say she is thriving. Sigh.
Thanks for stopping by! Lots of purrs!
ça fait plaisir d’avoir de vos nouvelles et voir que tout va bien.
ronrons d’Opale et Sonye
Opale et Sonye recently posted…Partage
Merci d’etre passees me voir ! J’espere que vous allez bien aussi !
Yo! Que pasa? Long time, no see and all that. Your human is in Washington DC? Did she win an election? Well, nice to see you. I wish you’d come back to NYC.
Cathy Keisha recently posted…Wait Till the Morning
Thanks for stopping by!
No, my human did not win an election. If she did she had better share the nip!!
We’re so glad to hear from you guys! Sorry that your human is in DC cavorting with a woofie no less. We hope she comes home soon. :)
The Island Cats recently posted…Formerly Feral – Too Big?
I hope too! December seems sooooo far away!
Thanks for stopping by!
We didn’t forget you! WE still miss you! LOve, Crepes.
Crepes, my furriend! I missed you too!
Well, this is certainly an odd way to meet new friends! I’ve never even seen Skype before, although my human apparently has used it on occasion. If you are wondering who I am, I am the kitty who inherited Sparkle’s blog and I hope I get to see more of you!
Summer recently posted…The Caturday Report: Whimsy and Reclusiveness
This Skype thing is very scary. It’s like my human is in a box, but I can’t get in! So it’s worthless!
Yay Texas ! *waving paws madly*. I’m so happy you are well ! It’s nice to see you back online from time to time ! Let me introduce you to my young sisfur Pixie : she’s a pretty tortie, and says hello ! Purrs, Zorro
The Swiss Cats recently posted…Un joli paquet
Hiya! Hiya Pixie!
Thanks for not forgetting me and coming to see me!
Sending you lots of purrs
We haven’t forgotten about you, Texas, and have been wondering how you were. It’s good to get your news, although the abandonment situation is not that great…
The Chans
The Poupounette Gang recently posted…Snuggles on Sunday
Hiya! It’s nice to see you too! Hope you are all doing fine!
Yes, I have to find a solution for my human…
So glad you’re “back”! Missed you!
Ellie recently posted…Love, Love, Love
Missed you too!
Glad you are OK and we have missed you. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
Best wishes Molly
Molly The Wally recently posted…Share It Sunday, Momo & Pinot!
Hiya Molly! I have missed you too!
good to see you =^..^=
Thanks for stopping by!
So good to see you Texas!
Angel Abby recently posted…Black and White Sunday Selfie
So good to see you too! So many furriends that I missed!
Hi Texas! I’m happy to hear from you and that all is all right for you all. It is hard to put our humans under pressure so they would take care of our bloggies, but don’t give up, we missed you! Purrs!
Eirwena recently posted…Tai Chi Chat
I will never give up!
Thanks for your support Eirwena, it is very much appreciated!
Hi Texas glad you are back :-)
MyThreemoggies recently posted…September 2014 Fur Friends of the Month – The Canadian Cats
Hi! How are you all three doing!
I missed you!
So nice to hear from you!
So nice to see you! Purrs!
dood !! nice ta see ewe round thiz way again…sorree yur mom haz ta come up with eggscusez bout YUR blog…tho that happens heer a lot two….hope veree one iz doin well, hope de state oh texas is treetin ewe fair !!! happee week ahead ♥♥♥
Wishing you a very happy week too!
I think at least we should get some fish as a compensation for our humans’ lack of effort!
Hi, Texas!! Glad to see you posting, and glad to hear all is well. Hopefully your mom will come home soon. How dare she live with a WOOFIE!!
Kitty Cat Chronicles recently posted…Sunday Selfies with Caster
Thanks for stopping by! She’s not going to be back for two more months! It’s like… FOREVER!
Very happy to have news from you. My Master and I were precisely thinking of you while compiling a list of ‘links’ for the Blog of Frimousse.
Frimousse recently posted…« Ça tombe bien. »
Hi Frimousse!
That’s so nice to you to think of me!! Je suis tout emu !
Plein des ronrons
Hiya Frimousse!
That’s so nice to you to think of me!! Je suis tout emu !
Plein des ronrons
So nice to hear from you. Sorry that you’ve been abandoned, but I’m glad that someone is looking after you. You look none the worse for wear.
Thank you! Nice to see you around =^.^=
The male human is doing his best, but he is not my human :-/
It’s so nice to hear from you again, Texas! We do understand about your human being super busy, and we could never forget you. Big hugs! We’ve missed you!
meowmeowmans recently posted…Tuxie Tuesday: Opt to Adopt
Thank you so much for saying hi! Big hugs and cuddles right back at you! And Purrs!
How wonderful and exciting to see you. It has been longer than six months if you compute it in kitty years. And we have missed you so much. Even if you can’t post very often, maybe you could join our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop if you can get the male human to take some photos for you. Your Skype screen shot is a purrfect selfie. Sending all our love and purrs and hopes to see you more often. Hope your mom isn’t going to be gone too, too long! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
Hi Texas, you have been missed – these humans are so unreliable!! Don’t worry I haven’t been able to get my head round skype either!! Welcome back :)
Austin Towers recently posted…Loafcat does Wordless Wednesday
It’s sooooo good to see you again Texas! Tell your mom we totally understand the whole “work” thingy. It’s been kinda crazy around here, too!
Maxwell, Faraday & Allie recently posted…Awwww.