Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside (Outside The Box, Inside The Box: Think About It! It’s A Box!)

Many of you already know that tomorrow is Milou’s purrthday.
Turns out that he already had his birthday gift. Well, let me tell you a (human) story.

When we moved from New York to Texas, the male human was sure that they would forget our water fountain if they didn’t pack it with everything else. But my (the female) human argued that we kitties’d rather keep our fountain until the end – right – and that they could not possibly miss the only thing that would be left in the house before they leave – wrong. My human messed up and realized when we arrived in our new house that the fountain had been left behind. So we went back to drinking in a bowl for a while.

Milou, who especially needs to drink but never does, seems to have found a new passion for drinking water here. Don’t worry, he’s not drinking more than normal, but he is drinking, period (in NY the humans had to add water to his food because he rarely ever drank from either the fountain, or the water bowl).

To keep a long story short – well kinda – Milou (and Kitshka and I) got a new water fountain for his purrthday. And now you expect to see a picture of the fountain.

Well no, for what is more important than the fountain? Exactly! The box it came in! Want to come and join us? We are having the biggest fun!

[Click on the pics to open the slideshow and biggify]

Could you guess that my human took pictures while lying on the floor? That was so easy to play with her too! Here are some photobombing pics!

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29 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside (Outside The Box, Inside The Box: Think About It! It’s A Box!)

  1. Sounds like your mommy human should have listened to daddy human about packing the fountain. But then you wouldn’t have a box to play in….never mind the new fountain.
    Hope you’re all enjoying your new home in Texas!

  2. Oh my but you most certainly got a TON of fun out of the box the new fountain came in! Texas you gave the box the “how much weight can this thing take before it crushes” test and Kitshka and Milou thoroughly tested out the outer strength (and played touchie paws while having fun). I’d say the whole thing was a BIG HIT and that Milou wasn’t the only one who got presents (tee hee).

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy
    Sammy recently posted…Semi-Silent SundayMy Profile

  3. Of course! What is more fun than a box?!
    So glad to hear that Milou is drinking water!
    I guess the Texas water passed the taste test with him!

  4. Looks like you are all having lots of fun with your new box. I hope you enjoy your fountain as much.
    We are using Feedly now and your blog imported over. We never could get Old Reader to recognise your url.
    Flynn recently posted…Easy Like Sunday.My Profile

  5. Happy Birthday Milou! I don’t drink much water either and TW tries to water down my food. Getting a fountain for your birthday (when its the peeps fault they forgot yours) is like getting underwear and clothes for Christmas. Hope you get toys too.
    Cathy Keisha recently posted…A Small MilestoneMy Profile

  6. We won a nice stainless steel fountain a few weeks ago and five of the eight of us are loving it. Mom hopes to get all of us to drink from it. Can’t wait to see your new one. Our mom crawls around on the floor to try and get pics of us. Those are the best photo bombs. Don’t forget to join our commentathon tomorrow. You could win a donation to your favorite shelter/rescue. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
    Kitties Blue recently posted…A VICEROYSHIP, AN AWARD, TWO REVEALS & AN ANNOUNCEMENTMy Profile

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