Kitshka Friday: Helping the Human to Be Productive… With a Song or Two

Kitshka Friday: Helping the Human to Be Productive… With a Song or Two

Us kitties know that to be productive, we need to take lots of naps between the productivity sessions.

This is Texas’ human I was dealing with below (sometimes, Texas has to nap so I agree to take over). See, I settle behind her computer screen, next to the window, so I can both snoopervize her and watch Bird TV.

But humans like Texas’ human rarely agree to take naps (silly humans!). So I have to invite her to take a break. My super cuteness helps, as you are about to see.

Human! It's time for a break!

Human! It’s time for a break!

Ah! She's not listening! Let me rock the boat a little...

Ah! She’s not listening! Let me rock the boat a little…

Rock The Boat screen, Work The Middle...

Rock the boat screen, Work the middle with my paw…


Change positions, Do positions…


Stroke it for me…

Human: Kitshka,
I’d like to know where you got the notion…
To rock the boat, don’t rock the boat baby,
Rock the boat, don’t tip the boat screen over…

Oh! That's a different song! You're singing!

Oh! That’s a different song! You’re singing!

Gotcha! You took a break!

Gotcha! You took a break!

Will you take a break with us on Friday?

Milou: Up, Close, And Personal

Do you remember this Wordless Wednesday post?

Some of you commented that Milou seemed not to like the head massages he was having. I wanted to reassure you all: this is how Milou shows his appreciation! Still not convinced?

Here are the rest of the pictures taken that night. Milou was in my human’s face on my human’s stomach on the humans’ bed (the nerve!), begging playing nice to get head massages. My human used her iPhone to take the pictures.

VBP Thursday – It’s all about words

[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]

We have not told you yet (I think) but this little project, initiated by Jet and her Mom, was started several months ago. The humans’ lives being what they are, they sometimes got in the way and hampered (VBP) its realization. But everything comes in time, and in the meantime, we have discovered that several other bloggers have a keen (VBP) interest in words.

So today, I thought I would present to all of you a potpourri (VBP) of those we have discovered.

Austin @(CAT)achresis with Dr. Austin Tuxedo’s Word of the Day at the end of each post. Dr. Austin sure knows how to play with words!

Liousha & Tiki @Liousha & Tiki and Graffiti, Zingara & Romeo @La Voix aux Chats-Pitres with Charabia (check here and here) give us French kitty vocabulary lessons!

Saffy, Cosmo, and Phoebe, and their human Angie @Catladyland with Fanglish, or the “the underground feline code of lingo known as Fanglish.”

Nerissa @Nerissa’s Life with My Personal A to Z Challenge (here is the latest post in the series)

I am perplexed (VBP). I think my human is forgetting some bloggers…

If you happen to be regularly playing with words and expressions on your bloggie and you are not on the list, we might either have missed you or the human has forgotten to include you. Leave me a message and I will do a sequel (VBP) next week!

Happy VBP everyone!

And now, please check this past week’s pawticipants:

Easy @EasyRider

Easy @EasyRider

Da Tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne

Da Tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne

Penelope @The Cat from Hell

Penelope @The Cat from Hell

@Dogs N Pawz

@Dogs N Pawz

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Gizmo @Terrier Torrent

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Ann @Pawsitively Pets

Kirby @Kirbys Dawg Blog

Kirby @Kirbys Dawg Blog

Loy @ Yikes! Loy Turns 60

Loy @ Yikes! Loy Turns 60

Austin @(CAT)achresis

Austin @(CAT)achresis

Savvy @Savannah's Paw Tracks

Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks

Texas @Texas, a cat in NY

Texas @Texas, a cat in NY

Here is the linkie for next week, to enter the link to your post (permalink).

Licks and… a bag!!

Today I conclude my thanks for the great prezzies we received the past year thanks to Zee & Zoey (check here and here).

We received a Lickety Stick, Salmon flavor. Of course, Milou and Kitshka loved it! They wouldn’t stop! Me? Hmmm, I have to say, not really. But Milou and Kitshka had no problem making up for me!

On the other hand, we all liked the World’s Best Cat Litter, which also came with a scooper and… a bag!!! A BAG!!!

Bags. The bestest human invention. After boxes.

Getting your humans relaxed on Sunday using kitty hypnosis

Getting your humans relaxed on Sunday using kitty hypnosis

This morning, I read this great post at The Conscious Cat about how humans should take time for themselves. Those are simple yet very wise pieces of advice. It puzzles me that humans have to be reminded about that.

After reading that post, I convinced Kitshka that we should help our human relax and take Sunday in a relaxing way. She has to take time for herself (after feeding us of course) instead of using the evil vacuum cleaner to clean the house. Kitshka was playing with my tail, as always, while I was deep in thought and I had to convince her it would be fun. And fun it was.

Here is how we tried to use hypnosis to relax our human (You can click on the pics to get a closer look at our method).

Your eyelids are heavy human, very heavy... you want to close your eyes...

Your eyelids are heavy human, very heavy…
You want to close your eyes…

Texas: You feel like laying down... lay down on the couch nearby... Kitshka: Texas I feel a little snoozzzzzzzz...

Texas: You feel like laying down… lay down on the couch nearby…
Kitshka: Texas I feel a little snoozzzzzzzz coming…

And at that point there was a big BANG and a human OUCH!

Texas: Oooops! Kitshka: Did you forgot there was a coffee table between her and the couch, Texas?

Texas: Oooops!
Kitshka: Did you forget there was a coffee table between her and the couch, Texas?

Kitshka: I wonder if we could get cream cheese that way Texas: Probably

Kitshka: I wonder if we could get cream cheese that way
Texas: Probably

Back to normal + fun family activity

Back to normal + fun family activity

Hiya furriends!

Thank you all for your support yesterday! I’m glad to announce that my human was terrified at the idea of my purring strike – and also wanted to keep some of her Christmas paper for Christmas, how strange it may seem! – so we won!

I am back to blogging today (one day before the lastest limit). We didn’t get the extra treats and tuna juice though (the human wasn’t too pleased with the strike threat per se) but we’ll find a way.

We will go back to visiting your bloggies starting today. Yeah!

In the meantime, as proof of goodwill from everyone, the humans decided to build (yet) another shelving thingie to accommodate (Vocab Building Project VBP) more of my human’s books and let Kitshka and I watch supervise.

As you can see, we got everything under control. We were there to help them measure stuff.

We were there to support the humans.

What are you waiting for?
Start the job! We have blogging stuff to do!

Not too bad, human. Keep on keeping on.

Kitshka got a little distracted along the way, but that’s okay, she’s still young.

Tomorrow, I’ll start showing you some of the cool stuff I was so lucky to win! Have a great day my furriends!

Getting your human’s attention: when too much is too much

Remember a couple of days ago when I explained how to get your human’s attention when your human was reading in bed? Well, it looks like I got a little too much attention. She decided she wanted some snuggling time instead of reading!

Seriously, what’s with the snuggles and kisses?! I just need to play and get some tuna!

Human! What are all the Ladycats reading my blog going to think now?! I’m a grown Mancat for Ceiling Cat sake!