[Still not sure what VBP is? Check here.]
We have not told you yet (I think) but this little project, initiated by Jet and her Mom, was started several months ago. The humans’ lives being what they are, they sometimes got in the way and hampered (VBP) its realization. But everything comes in time, and in the meantime, we have discovered that several other bloggers have a keen (VBP) interest in words.
So today, I thought I would present to all of you a potpourri (VBP) of those we have discovered.
Austin @(CAT)achresis with Dr. Austin Tuxedo’s Word of the Day at the end of each post. Dr. Austin sure knows how to play with words!
Liousha & Tiki @Liousha & Tiki and Graffiti, Zingara & Romeo @La Voix aux Chats-Pitres with Charabia (check here and here) give us French kitty vocabulary lessons!
Saffy, Cosmo, and Phoebe, and their human Angie @Catladyland with Fanglish, or the “the underground feline code of lingo known as Fanglish.”
Nerissa @Nerissa’s Life with My Personal A to Z Challenge (here is the latest post in the series)
I am perplexed (VBP). I think my human is forgetting some bloggers…
If you happen to be regularly playing with words and expressions on your bloggie and you are not on the list, we might either have missed you or the human has forgotten to include you. Leave me a message and I will do a sequel (VBP) next week!
Happy VBP everyone!
And now, please check this past week’s pawticipants:
Easy @EasyRider
Da Tabbies @da tabbies o trout towne
Penelope @The Cat from Hell
@Dogs N Pawz
Gizmo @Terrier Torrent
Ann @Pawsitively Pets
Kirby @Kirbys Dawg Blog
Loy @ Yikes! Loy Turns 60
Austin @(CAT)achresis
Savvy @Savannah’s Paw Tracks
Texas @Texas, a cat in NY
Here is the linkie for next week, to enter the link to your post (permalink).
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